and Tourism

Geotechnical Education Program

Hantan River Geology Park is managed as a national geological park, and various geological education tours are active.

The number of the programs was nine in 2016, then various geological education programs has been developed, eventually increased the number up to fourteen in 2018. The programs include a tour of geological landmarks using City Tour Bus, a program which visitors can experience the history and culture of the region, and a tour linked to non-geographical resources.

The most popular programs are the activities such as the Hantan River orienteering, which is the one to complete missions by finding the geological attractions with map reading and also the boating program, that is done while listening to the Goseokjeong tales from hundred million years ago.

  • 철원 한탄강 국가지질공원 지질명소 환경정비 봉사활동
    • Participants : 초등학생 ~ 일반인 누구나
    • Schedule : 매주 토(기상악화 시 취소)
  • 철원지질공원 知(알다 지)峌(높다 질)교실
    • Participants : 누구나
    • Schedule : 연중(매주 화 휴무)
  • 철원으로 떠난 시간여행자
    • Participants : 중·고등학생
    • Place : 신청 학교 및 관내 지질명소
    • Schedule : 학기 중(사전 협의)